BRYAN GLASS - Guide/Owner of Wild Trout LLC

My name is Bryan Glass & my life passion is Trophy Trout. I grew up living and breathing trout. Born in Helena Montana and raised in Idaho Falls Idaho ensured that Trophy Trout coursed through my veins.

My first encounter with a true giant salmonid was when I landed the first steelhead of my life at 11 years old. I remember heaving up the monster and my dad swimming to get the fish in our tiny rubber net. 33” big female in October on the Salmon River in Idaho. The Steelhead addiction had me in its clutches.

The next time I witnessed a truly enormous fish was at 13 years old when my father landed a 15 pound Rainbow x Cutthroat Hybrid at Henry’s Lake. My mind was blown. The harder I fished, the more addicted I became to the hunt. By 18 years old I completely immersed myself in Trophy Trout Hunting. Researching new fisheries and scouring the United States for trophy trout opportunities filled my entire life.

At 19 years old I got my first flyfishing guide gig at a small rustic operation in the Wood Tikchik National Park in Central Alaska. I guided Rainbows, Salmon, Pike, Grayling, and Char. I wanted more. The next season I found myself guiding one of the greatest wild native Rainbow Trout fisheries in the world. The Naknek River in Bristol Bay, Alaska.

These Alaska Guide Seasons would run from June into mid-October. During these years I worked 6am-10pm 7 days a week and gained a deep respect for life-long guides. I continued to pursue new adventures around Bristol Bay after I fell in love with the Rainbow Trout in the area.

In all, I was fortunate to visit 40+ rivers & streams in Alaska during my time as a flyfishing guide. After a few seasons of bouncing lodge to lodge and experiencing all that Bristol Bay Alaska had to offer, I stepped down from guiding. I had worked at 4 incredible lodges across Alaska: Fishing Bear Lodge, Rapids Camp Lodge, NoSeeUm Lodge, and Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge.

These years in Alaska raised me. I worked ridiculous hours and had the time of my life. Realization that I had a love for the sport and the people in it is what drove me from those years to be where I am now.

Putting guiding down for just over a year working “real” desk jobs, I was miserable. I took a week of vacation time to fish and explore the famous White River in Arkansas for trophy Brown Trout January 2019 with Bradley Bonnett. As fate & obsession would have it, I knew what I needed to do…

One giant leap of faith later, I had put my two weeks notice from the desk job and started to pursue my passions of guiding and teaching once more. Fast forward to 2024, I now run destination trophy trout guided trips through my outfitter Wild Trout LLC at our White River Lodge on the banks of the mighty White River in northern Arkansas. What we now offer is extremely high level trophy fishing using mouse flies in my one-of-a-kind exclusively night fishing operation targeting the largest fly caught wild Browns in the Western Hemisphere.

Meet the Team at the White River Lodge

Full Time Trophy Guide


Bradley Bonnett was born and raised in North-central Utah. His Flyfishing roots began at the age of 11. For 3 decades he has fly fished countless rivers, lakes, and streams across the Rocky Mountains but always keeping Utah as home base. Brad started his guiding profession in Alaska chasing trout, salmon, & char at 23 years old. He spent his first 10 years of his fishing career as a guide and manager of a premier fishing lodge in the Wood-Tikchik State Park. He later shifted his guiding to the Naknek River in Bristol Bay chase the legendary Rainbows of the Naknek River.

Brad also was a co-host for a flyfishing show on The Sportsman Channel that was based in Alaska. The show traveled all over The Last Frontier catching everything Alaska had to offer on a fly rod. After a short hiatus from the fishing industry to start a family, he most recently has gone back to guiding for trophy Brown Trout on the famous White River in Arkansas. Brad now exclusively guides at night throwing mouse flies for big Browns out of jet boats.

His love and addiction for trout have propelled him through life and driven decisions every step of the way. Bradley lives for the pursuit of the wild experiences and chasing trophy trout.

Full Time Trophy Guide


Dante Daniells was born & raised in Southern California. He started fishing at the age of 3, fishing any body of water possible. Primarily freshwater, bass was his main focus. He honed his skills by learning about moon phases, pressure systems, habitat, & feeding cycles. Fishing has always been his #1 passion throughout his life.

For a while, Dante stepped away from the freshwater and focused on saltwater when he started working on a sport fishing boat out of San Diego. Taking clients fishing for pelagic species(BFT,YFT, Dorado, & Yellowtail). A few years later, Dante moved to Central Oregon. After his flyfishing passion had consumed him, he started guiding the lower Deschutes for the river’s famous native Redband Rainbow.

Dante found himself addicted to the hunt of Trophy Brown Trout. In 2020 he booked a trip with Bryan Glass on the White River. “Eye opening is the easiest way to explain it. NEVER have I experienced a fishery like it.” In late 2022 Bryan reached out inviting Dante to be part of the White River Trophy Trout Team. Beginning in 2023 he began guiding the White River: “I looking forward to be able to show and have all our clients experience why we cherish the fishery so much.”

Lodge Manager & Executive Chef


We welcome back Chef Ka’ainoa Ravey as the White River Lodge’s premier executive Chef and Lodge Manager for 2024. He was born & raised in Hawaii. Ka’ai has spent his life exploring the world, innovating, starting businesses/restaurants, and chasing adventure wherever he can find it. Never stopping, he has an extremely diverse portfolio of work and education. In 2013, Ka’ai shifted his focus to working at fishing lodges all across Alaska, specifically in Bristol Bay and the Wood-Tikchik areas. He was voted the Local Hero Best Chef Award in 2012 when he was Executive Chef at Farm & Table. Chef Ka’ainoa’s culinary passions have led him across the country from his homeland in Hawaii to New York, to Alaska, across New Mexico and back again to Hawaii. Throughout his time spent at Alaska lodges, he grew his passion for flyfishing for Trout and Salmon.

In 2015, Bryan Glass and Ka’ainoa Ravey worked together at Rapids Camp Lodge in Bristol Bay, AK. This friendship would persist as they went out chasing careers and fish over almost a full decade. The Winter of 2022, Bryan reached out to Ka’ai and invited him to be Lodge Manager and Executive Chef of his new fishing operation at the White River Lodge in Arkansas.

Ka’ai is on his 2nd season with our White River Lodge and has become the cornerstone to our operation. He gets out chasing Trophy Browns with us whenever possible and has a passion for sharing his amazing food as a way of connecting with individuals and anglers.